Goríčko is a hilly region in the far north-east of Slovenia, on the border with Austria and Hungary between the Mura and the Raba rivers. Considering the vast area of 629.5 km² with 11 municipalities and 127 settlements in North-eastern Slovenia, the project might choose a more focused approach by selecting a few municipalities. While a larger scale could contribute to a winning project, it may also pose significant challenges.
Goričko boasts a relatively dry climate, with an average annual rainfall of approximately 850 l/m2, distinguishing it as one of the least waterlogged regions in Slovenia. The acidic and less fertile soil creates challenging conditions for agriculture but presents opportunities for livestock farming and fruit-growing. The agricultural landscape is characterized by small and fragmented holdings.
As of July 1, 2014, the LAG area had 47,690 residents, which represents 40.76% of Pomurje’s population. Unfortunately, the demographic situation in the LAG municipalities is declining each year.
In 2014, the LAG area had 4,795 economic entities (3.66% of all in Slovenia), employing 7,212 individuals (1.52% of all in Slovenia), and generating 972,377,443 € in revenues.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no 101060876. UK participants in Horizon Europe Project RURALITIES are supported by UKRI grant numbers: 10051963 The Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership and 10050988 Earthwatch Europe.